Store Accessibility

At Kemps we make every effort to create a shopping environment which is as accessible as possible  for everyone. Both in the physical environment of the store and the atmosphere and support we offer, we aim to make give everyone a really positive experience when visiting us.

We have tried to make our Book Shop section of the shop wheelchair-friendly, but the slope and headroom prevents us from making a suitable permanent ramp from the Gift Shopping Area 2 up into the Book Shop Area 3.  Access from the rear entrance of the shop is also down a steep slope so is not wheelchair-accessible.


  • Front main door access to Gift Area 1 - level access - no step –  730mm opening (see picture)
  • Gift Area 2, with Counter, Customer Service Point  - access from Gift Area 1 is up a shallow and wide wheelchair-friendly ramp. (see picture)
  • Book Shop Area 3 - Access from Gift Area 2 - Three steps and Steep ramps - NOT SUITABLE FOR WHEELCHAIRS. Handrail and grab-rail for steadier pedestrian access. (see pictures)
  • Outdoor Terrace Area 4 - step-free access from Bookshop Area 3
  • Surfaces – Gift Area 1 - wooden parquet floor.  Gift Area 2 - wooden laminate flooring.  Book Shop Area 3 - wooden flooring.  Outdoor Terrace - crazy paving which is slightly rough underfoot
  • Parking and access – free 30 min parking outside shop, 2 free hours in Market Place where there is also Blue Badge parking.  There are drop kerbs from the road within 20 metres if the shop entrance.
  • Toilets – Premises toilets are staff only, but can be used by the public in a emergency, but there is no wheelchair access to these premises toilets. Public disabled access toilet 50 metres from shop with access via Radar key
  • Resting chairs available inside the shop and assisted shopping available

If you would like to know more or plan a visit then please call us on 01653 693577 

At certain times of the year we offer special shopping sessions which are ‘relaxed’, offering a quiet and calm managed experience and also sessions where we have extra staff and support available for visitors who have mobility issues and where a raised level of personal shopping support from our team will enable more enjoyable and fulfilling shopping experience. These sessions will be publicised via our social media feeds and partner organisations. Where possible we would ask guests to book in advance so we can ensure a good experience for everyone.


Main front door street access to Gift Area 1 - 730mm wide

Wide wheelchair-friendly ramp from Gift Area 1 to Gift Area 2


Two steep ramps from Gift Area 2 to Bookshop Area 3 for prams (not suitable for wheelchairs)

Steps with handrail and grabrail between Gift Area 2 and Bookshop Area 3


We have temporary wheelchair ramps available - please ask staff and we can quickly arrange access to the bookshop.